a quiltlady

a quiltlady

Monday 5 November 2012

Busy weekend coming up and you are all invited !

Quilt-guild invitation for a lovely weekend to come. Please check http://nbql.no  :-)
Hope you can read the address properly.
 We have a big parking space. You may drive almost to the entrance.
 Lots of gorgeous big quilts, smaller ones ,this and that quilts,(to mention all in one bolt), big sales counter,all beautifully made by quilters in our guild, as well as coffee/tea and cakes :-)
Two shops will be there as well : www.quiltefryd.no and www.baremaahadet.com
One of the quilts to win. 
Here are the 3 quilts to win; here are the books where you may write you name into.
On Sunday afternoon the three lucky winners will be drawn. 
May be one of your lucky numbers are drawn; then you may take pick:
Just as many quilts to show you this year too. Pics from our last show.
This year too our guild arranges a competition. The jury are all set to find some winners !
 The title of the quilt should be "MEMORIES",  max seize 1 x 1 metre.
Here you see my quilt-to-be, and YES   do need another lesson doing the PICASA !
So come on blog-friends, visit us, bring lots of your friends to buy a lot  at our
sales-tables!! You will for sure have an enjoyable and lovely weekend with us. 
Being in the comity I`m rather busy this week, but hope to CU all there :))


Raewyn said...

Hope you all have a great weekend - I'd love to be there if I could!

Laila said...

Hei. Å der skulle jeg gjerne ha vært,men er ikke på Kastellet den helga :-( kos dere og ha ei flott helg .

Annik-Snor said...

Prøver å komme innom. Når er du der?
Flotte tepper til utlodning.

Anonymous said...

looks like a great weekend,wished i lived closer Grethe,have fun.xx

Houseelf said...

Have a wonderful time. I hope the raffle quilts raise a lot of money. I hope it is even more successful than last year for your guild.

Oddbjørg said...

Skulle gjerne vært der, men det er "feil" helg. Lykke til med arrangementet!

Lappedamen said...

Dessverre fikk jeg ikke besøkt dere. Denne helgen har vært svært travel for meg, bare selskapelighet hele helgen. Håper der hadde en innbringende helg.