Short story about my latest table-runners. You can here see the 4 that I made in May.
Remember my Bleeding Heart plant with much snow on ? Well, apparently it felt good under the snow. AND I tried to see what a good match the plant would be together with the table runners. Looks nice :0)
AND I also tried the 4 runners as "seat covers". Looks nice :0)
AND then I aired them up in the old apple tree. Looks nice :0)
AND I then, best of all I think, decided to send my three PIF friends one each .. LOL ... I kept one, check my previous post... The PIF-friends have all received their gift, and I feel happy to show you.

So end of this story !!
I have joined Hanne in her "Tour de France"-challenge. She calls it "Tour de Fibre". Please read all about this on her blog and join if you can. I will be watching the tour on TV. It will be nice to get some sewing done as well. Thanks, Hanne,I do hope I will stick to my own promises :
1. All the heart in the border of the Scandinavian Christmas quilt. 2. Block 9 of the Birdie Stitches. 3. The 6 remaining mini-blocks of block 2 in Butterfly Gardens. 4. Tags from Bronwyn Hayes pattern. When they all have passed the finishing line, I must have "passed" as well with what I have told you. Well,a promise is a promise,right! and I will do my best. :0)
or to put it more correctly, I`m on a work-class-course learning about computer-work these days. It is training in Excel, Word, etc. not much about blogging. BUT I do think I should Compose and not HTML when writing my posts. Next time I`ll will be trying to change, as I am not able to make the inputs correctly here on my blog, words and sentences seem to end up very stuffed and were they decide themselves ...LOL ...
Have a nice weekend all blog-friends! Tomorrow will be a relaxing day for me, I`m looking forward to enjoy some blog reading,
.... CU soon :-)
Your table runners are beautiful! Your PIF winners should be very happy. Have fun with your computer classes.
Så flittig du har vært! Veldig fine løpere. Jeg får visst ikke gjort så mye for tida ... Kanskje jeg må bli med på Touren for å bli ferdig med noe :-)
Ha en fin helg.
Lovely table runners... great to see all those fantastic projects out and ready for sewing...
Beautiful table runners. I like your project list, you will be busy this summer.
How lovely to see all four runners together! I have mine under my iron in my sewing corner so I can see it all the time and think of your kindness! Thank you Grethe! :0)
Busy busy tablerunners...I especially like them hanging in the apple tree :)
Good luck in the Tour De Fibre...hope you get your yellow jersey and cross that finishing line!
Great gifts to your PIF people. I'm in the Tour de Fibre as well, we have excellent commentators so it is always a joy to follow the great cycling tours with a stitchery or a knitting project.
Så flotte løpere, heldige de som fikk en hver! Flotte blomster du har i hagen også!
Tour deFrance har jeg nettopp fullført, vel, kanskje en enklere løype enn de syklistene som har nummer på brystet...... Tour de fabric høres kjekt ut, men tror ikke tida strekker til, dessverre. Får følge litt på blogger i stedet. Lykke til!
Wow har du fått dilla, så gøy !!
Lekre løpere og heldig er de som får en sånn en i posten ;-))
lovely runners.........I always use compose mode......
Jeg var den heldige mottaker av en av dem, har den på bordet og ser på den hver dag.
Good luck with your challenge. The PIF runners are so pretty for Summer.
Du verden så flotte løpere. Må si du er produktiv ja :-)
Likte godt fargene også. God kombinasjon.
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