a quiltlady

a quiltlady

Saturday 5 May 2012


This picture of the townhall in Sandvika,small town outside Oslo,was taken as I went to the April meeting in BLL. Some branches are part of my header. Love the pink Magnolia tree. Anne Heidi from Lappemor visited the guild. She brought with her smashing stuff from her shop. Pictures from our guild-meeting in my next post.
CONTRASTS: Snow is piling down today May 5th. I love snow,but definitely not in May month.
CONTRASTS: The other day,that was on May 1st,we enjoyed beeing ever so active in our car-park.
CONTRASTS: Will they survive the some of the first flowers. Suppose their roots are strong!
CONTRASTS: In our garden on May 1st. Don`t check her dirty roots! -read socks-,but check the same flowers in the pic as above(on the down on the left-hand corner). They were growing so nicely. Sun,Sun please come out again as soon as you can,do you know it`s May 5th today! Are you up there?? ... LOL ...
As you all see,dear friends in the SC SAL group,I`m doing some work on my block 3. Slowly forward,yes! And my PIFs are now in progress,took some time to make up my mind,but pattern+fabrics are here,will be lovely look-a-likes! As the snow is piling down,bound to be rain by tomorrow,I feel like staying inside,letting the sewing machine help me to move on. All the best to all blog-friends for a super,relaxing weekend.Hugs,Grethe. PS. my pics keeps jumping and no space between my lines,and my spell-check keeps coming and going,but one day all will be fine, I`m sure :)))


Oddbjørg said...

Ja, mai er luneful! Vi her nord er ikke så overrasket over slikt vær, men er forbauset over at det er slik der sør. Vi hadde dette for et par dager siden; i dag titter sola fram, men det er surt.
I dag skal jeg bare kose meg med handarbeid - skifter mellom strikk og søm.
Ha ei fin helg du også!


Jeg savner møtene i Bærum Lappelag!! Jeg betaler kontingenten hvert eneste år - 150 mil unna! Jeg hadde fem flotte år som lærer i bærumsskolen. Må vel ta meg en tur nedover snart!! Her er det også kontraster når det gjelder vær, men i dag er det fantastisk ute med sol fra skyfri himmel. All snøen er borte og det er flotte vårblomster i hagen. Ha en fin helg, Grethe!

retdairyqueen said...

Snow!!! We are having floods
Couldnt leave the property yesterday as the road to town was flooded Gone this morning
Luckily our house is on top of the hill
Shame I didnt read your last post to be in the running for a lovely gift from you I know what lovely gifts you make Hugs

Gudveig HN said...

Våren er en tid med stadig skiftene vær, men det er ikke ofte det blir så "mange vintre" som i år, her sørpå!
Flott blomstrende tre du har bilde av...
Ha en deilig helg - her har snøen allerede tint bort igjen.

Terry said...

We've had hot weather then cold again here too. But thankfully no snow in May!

annemariesquilt said...

Norge er kontrastenes land men snø i mai her i sør Norge er vel av det sjeldne slaget heldigvis..
Det er viktig å ta vare på de små fine øyeblikkene vi får..
Your Scandinavian Christmeas blokk er kjempeflott ;-)


Love todays post and I did chuckle some over it--but snow--and that much snow--bad--but I believe your plants will make it--
Hugs, Di and miss gracie

Jindi's Cottage said...

OMG what a difference a few days make! Makes for wonderful contrast photos though...It seems like it went from summer to winter here overnight but at least we are heading into winter...hope the sun heads back to you quickly...

sunny said...

Snow is not allowed in May! We spent our morning planting flowers. I hopeyou stayed warm and cozy, and got lots of stitching done.

Fiona said...

Lovely pictures... so strange to have a sudden snowfall... hope the plants all survive okay...

Lappedamen said...

Nydelig blomstring, men du verden for et lunefullt vær vi har. Kjempeflott stitchery.

Houseelf said...

Yes the weather is so strange this year.

Well done with the SC block- it looks so pretty.