a quiltlady

a quiltlady

Sunday 24 October 2010

Oslo Quilt Festival 2010,enjoy a FEW pictures:

The Oslo Quilt Festival has been arranged for the second time ever:-) with a BIG success: workshops,lectures as well as about 100 different quilts to enjoy looking at. Here is a few pictures for you to enjoy,more to be seen on the festival`s own page later.

Above you see the work of another blogger friend,check her blog: http://lekaquilt.blogspot.com. The Love Letter behind her dogs was just an unique quilt.

Only happy faces to see around,good inspiration from looking at the lovely quilts!This was a 2 days quilt-show with over 100 visitors. About 15 shops from all over Norway as well as Sweden and Island.Big variaty in all the different techniques of quilting.

Finally a couple of Kaffe Fassett fabric quilts:


Liven said...

Der skulle en vært:)
Takk for titten - mye fint å se.

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Hello Grethe...what beautiful quilts you show us...what a fun festival!!! Thank you so much for the warm welcome at Stitch-a-long, Dzintra♥x

annemariesquilt said...

Tusen takk for titten!!!
Jeg skulle egentlig vært med jobben til Oslo fra fredag til lørdag, men måtte avlyse pga forkjølelse. Satt under dyna istede. Det ser ut som om denne utstillingen vokser og blir flottere. Jeg håper å få muligheten et annet år..

Helen said...

Great quilts Grethe.


Oddbjørg said...

Tusen takk for titten! I år hadde jeg tenkt å ta en Oslotur den helga, men måtte på et kurs for tillitsvalgte i Bodø i stedet. Men neste år ...... hvis det blir samme arrangementet.