a quiltlady

a quiltlady

Saturday, 31 May 2014

Just a little break ...

Some mini blocks ready to be sewn together, but as I really need a
break, DH has poured the rose-wine 
and  is soon serving the King Crab meal , Lucky me!

Enjoy my 6 mini blocks. On the right course for block 3 and block 7 of
 the Butterfly Garden. Still long way to the finish. But I am ever so glad that I
 joined Chookyblue in theSew Along Party celebrating her 2 years in her Chookyshed :))
 A good push for me to continue a quilt I started in 2009. 
Next post might not be till tomorrow, cheers Grethe xx


Laila said...

Enjoy the evening,you have done a great job. I relax now and will spend the rest of this day sewing by hand..

Chookyblue...... said...

Dinner sounds lovely... Enjoy the rosé.......see you tomorrow

Helen said...

Great work there Grethe, wine and crab mmmmmm.


Anonymous said...

beautiful work Grethe,well done.xx

Terry said...

I started the first mini blocks of a butterfly garden a while ago. I really ought to get back to working on them. Yours are so pretty! :0)

Joy McD said...

Lovely blocks and your meal sounds sooooo yummmy!!! xxx

Josie said...

Looks like a beautiful day and a perfect setting for a spot of alfresco dining. Lucky you having DH to make lunch for you. Hope you didn't drink so much rose you couldn't work on all those blocks. :o)