Spring-time is WAITING- time .... lol ....
...Waiting...for the table-topper to be finished for use.
...Waiting...to make up my mind which of the fabrics to be used as a new
apron for myself, I have made one of each a long time ago as 2 presents.
...Waiting...to do the application for these two blocks of
"Raining Cats and Dogs". Must NOT start on the next block yet.
...Waiting...to sew the AC and CL to the fabric.
Then soon flowers, leaves as well as stems to be sewn.
...Waiting...for another 13 tulips to work through the hard, still a bit frozen soil.
...Waiting...to buy lots of plants when the night frost has gone...
...Waiting...for the "Butterfly Garden"-plant to look a beautiful as
last year when I planted it. I am looking forward to work on the BG-quilt
soon too. Have a secret dream to finish it during 2013!
Coming up now are 2 finishes:
With a bit of help from my Granddaughter here is the pink-sheep-quilt.
It is a charity quilt already given to one of the hospitals in Oslo.
Hope a little girl may feel warm and comfortable using this quilt
when fighting through the illness.
The grass in the garden will be greener day by day. Here resting on the
grass is AnnAKa`s table runner called "Seize the Day".
I used just her picture and made a wall hanging quilt instead. It will
be on the wall by my sewing machine,so I may read the words
every day. I must admit I struggled a bit using the freezing paper.
Decisions, decisions, wonder if you have it like me? I better now make up
my mind. What is most important to work on at the moment ? The sun
is so bright, warm and lovely during the day; it helps after a long, cold winter.
All for now! Enjoy the season and Happy Sewing to you from me :-)
Hei... Den som venter på noe godt osv... Masse flott på planen hos deg ,og flotte ting om er ferdige:-))
Jeg har også massssse på vent og under arbeid.... Lurer også på om jeg når rundt noen ganger....
Jammen er vi heldige som har masse på gang.
Kos deg med våren og arbeidene dine.
Det er deilig å ha planer nok! Må være kjedelig ikke vite hva en skal finne når en våkner om morgenen! Du har i alle fall massevis i startgropa, så her er det mye flott å glede seg til framover! Og jeg gleder meg til helga, men først gleder jeg meg til jobben i morgen!
Så mykje fint! Heldige de som har det varmt i sola, her er det ikkje vår endå. I dag har eg hatt skikkeleg sylyst, har begynt på nytt prosjekt, som eg får blogge om ein annan dag. Det er skikkeleg mentalhygiene, så eg er glad for slike gode dagar innimellom alt...
Det er framdrift så lenge en legg planer , heter det! Og her var det mye fint både for sjela og øyet .)
Så mye flott du holder på med, lykke til!
All your projects 'in waiting' are just lovely Grethe....I'm sure you are getting warmer by the day as we are getting cooler....Happy weekend to you xo
Lots of waiting going on there! Lots of pretty things to see too! :0)
Lots to do.... I love the look of all your projects.. when I feel a bit overwhelmed like that I do the one that has the least work first ...
love your little wallhanging...
What cute finishes! Your cats and dogs are coming along nicely. I need to pick up the pace to catch up.
Lots of lovely things waiting in the wings. Good luck finishing them. Congrats on finishing the sheep hospital quilt. I'm sure it will be appreciated at that scary time.
Quilten som Du sytt med de rosa fåren på, tyckte jag var väldigt söt!
Decisions, decisions...so many lovely choices...enjoy whichever one (or ones) you decide to work on...
Nydelige arbeider, Grethe. Det er alltid flott å se det du lager. Synes de rekker mye.
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