a quiltlady

a quiltlady

Monday 6 June 2011

My " Butterfly Garden" is growing slowly and the garden flowers more quickly .....

Bright sun has helped the flowers to bloom much more now than on my last posting. But no butterflies in sight yet,only on my Butterfly Garden.
Lovely lavenders are in their pots.
Here it is again the BG. Block 1 and 9 is done. Great place to
be hanging for a short time:-) lol
Little bird watching the crazy!! lady taking a lot of pictures.
Can you see the bee upside down too heavy loaded to fly??
Still a bit left to finish on the 18 mini blocks of block 2 and 8.
The BG is a priority no 1 ......... together with all other UFOs :)))
So soon maybe in a couple of years?? Looking forward to place the quilt
on our bed. I have done 24 of the 81 mini blocks,so many more months to go before that will take place. Great to have something exciting to happen
in the future. LOL

I hope you all close and far away will have a good week to come:-)


Jindi's Cottage said...

How pretty your garden grows... :)

quiltingnana said...

great garden additons

Berit said...

Mmmm lekkert. Vakre farger i sammen

Yvette said...

Beautiful!!! All of it. It really makes me wish I had the time to start my Butterfly Garden. I already have my real garden blooming. ;)

Terry said...

Your garden (and your blocks) look wonderful! I've wanted to make a Butterfly Garden quilt since I first saw it. Someday! :0)

Anne-Lise at Rag, Tag, Bobtail said...

Så fine blokker! Blir en flott quilt.

Gudveig HN said...

Flotte saker, både blomstene og blokkene!

sunny said...

It's beautiful! I still want to make the quilt in your header, but it's far down the list. I wish I could retire from work and sew more.

Heather said...

What a fun way to photograph your blocks! They are lovely.

Nicky said...

Beautiful Grethe, your blocks are darling, and you have taken such lovely photos of them all too. Lovely to see where you're up to on BG!

BubzRugz said...

Hi Grethe, I came over from Nicky to have a look at your Butterfly garden as I am about to start.... so pretty and I am now even more happy to be doing it...

Josie said...

Hi Grethe.... I'm in the challenge to finish BG too. Yours blocks are beautiful. Great photo's too. Keep on stitching.....