a quiltlady

a quiltlady

Friday 25 March 2011

..... WWD AND LC ......

Abbreviations are great:
WWD = World Waffle Day is today:-)
LC = Layer Cake block 11 done:-)

Last picture first: Below you see the "greedy-guts" helping
themselves with waffles!!!
As I was sewing this morning I heard about the WWD/International
Waffle Day on the radio. Don`t think I have ever heard about it,
but good idea to make some waffles. So said ... So done ...

I have to wait another 10 days,then I know what the pattern
for block 12 looks like. Sashing and border ... great... So keen
to to finish my "Breakfast at Tiffany`s" quilt.
Soooon,you`ll see!!!

... 1 - 2 - 3 - pictures and it was done,to make the waffles,I mean:

Fortunately I did hide 2 plates,which means my DH and I can enjoy
the WWD!!
And I`ll be knitting: You know: Still that grey wool jumber I have
told you about several times!!!
Please enjoy a pleasant weekend all of my blogfriends:-)


sunny said...

WWD? Who knew? Hubby and his co-workers made waffles at lunch today, but I didn't realize that was the reason. I guess I missed out again!

Berit said...

Er neste vaffeldag til tirsdag? Du er en reser til å få ferdig blokker,men den genseren burde vel snart være ferdig?
God helg :-)

Berit said...

Jeg trodde det var bare tull med vaffeldag, men har lest at det er riktig...

Oddbjørg said...

Hei! En Award venter på deg på bloggen min.