a quiltlady

a quiltlady

Thursday 3 June 2010

Needing a SUBSTITUTE right now!!

Not just to enjoy looking at my rose-trellis quilt,but .....

Not just to enjoy the roses in the garden that soon will look like these,but .....

Yes, left arm in plaster! So if you are free with nothing to do,come along,I will give you complete instructions: Just a few UFO`s around here :0)
As I was half running to catch the bus for a dental appointment,I took a little fall!! So next time, I`ll use the car,and start looking for a place to park an hour before,and bring my stitchery.
Well,well; I`m doing fine actually.But no stitching for a week or two the doctor said, but that remains to be seen! Meanwhile I`ll sit outside in the sun, getting some more freckles in my face:) At last summer is here.


Hanne-Kristine said...

Grøss! Dette må jo være helt forferdelig...

Ønsker deg fast recovery og noen "bedagelige" dager.

klem klem hk

Yvette said...

I am so sorry!!! I pray that you will heal quickly!! XOXOX

Anne-Lise at Rag, Tag, Bobtail said...

Nei og nei - så uheldig da! Ønsker deg god bedring.

May Britt said...

Neimen kjære vene hva har du gjort nå da. Ja ja...du får bare ta det litt med ro nå. Men er sikker på at du klarer å få til noe :)

Oddbjørg said...

Så ergelig! Ønsker deg god bedring! Du får studere alle quiltebøker/mønster og legge planer for resten av året mens du venter:-)

Liven said...

huff å huff - uheldi du er da. Du får drømmequilte og legge planer :-)

Nicky said...

Oh no, I hope you are healed soon, and back to your stitching. Take care, Nicky

Jytte R said...

Det var da frygtelig uheldigt. Godt du er på forkant med block C i 'A Gardeners Journal'. Nyd solen og en god bog og tænk en masse kreative tanker i den kommende uge.
Take care. Jytte R

Jindi's Cottage said...

Oh Grethe, I would love to fly to Norway and help you out with the UFOs but I fear that with my chronic startitis and lack of finishitis I'd probably just make the UFO pile grow! Well, that and the fact the boss would probably wonder why I wasn't sitting at my desk doing work stuff *LOL*.
I hope your arm heals quickly and you are soon back to stitching. Take care and enjoy the sun.

Sølvis blog said...

Stakkars deg - dette ser ikke bra ut. Du får kose deg ute i solen med noen quilteblader og lignende

Laila said...

Huff da- så uheldig du har vært.
Håper det blir masse flott vær så du kan kose deg ute.
God bedring .. Klem :-)

Chookyblue...... said...

such bad news about your arm.............I hope it heals well..........and quickly..........if I lived close I would come and stitch for you.......

Lillian said...

Jammen var du uheldig. Du får bruke tiden til å planlegge nye prosjekter. God bedring :)


Oh my where have I been--sorry about the fall--must be you needed a rest!!!!
enjoy and read a good book!!!!
I will be thinking about you--and hope that you heal quickly
Hugs, Di

Berit said...

Dette var da trist.
Hvordan går det med a gardens journal nå?
Får håpe på litt fint vær, så du i allefall kan nyte solen.

Marina said...

Would love to get a copy of your rose-trellis quilt pattern - do you know where I could get it?

Cheers ~ Marina Wright
South Australia