a quiltlady

a quiltlady

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Snow-storm outside - will it last??

Oslo, Norway reporting: I had to take this picture to show you. The table runner is my last OPAM finish of April. Thought I should lay it on the little table in the corner of our garden, and have a nice cup of tea!
But as you can see, sitting outside enjoying the spring time is not possible. Big surprise for us all to day! The snow is piling down; it is cold and windy.
So on this winter day all I can do is looking at the ready-made block G of
"a Garden`s Journal" and dream about it in real!
Rather busy, I`m continuing on my new rush-rush project.


Hanne-Kristine said...

Løperen din var flott, rosa og brunt er absolutt vakkert og en av mine favoritter.
Du er ikke alene om å vokne opp til vinter..... Det er synd å si det, men da eg kom ned i stuen og såg ut vinduet tenkte eg bare: ÅHHH NEIIII!
Tenk, det er 4 MAI!!! Eg ønske SOL og VARME :o)
Det kommer, det kommer.....

Ha en vidunderlig sy-dag :oD
klem hk

Liven said...

det er kjedelig m slik ettevinter - men tenk på alt det gode vi har tilgode;).
Jeg hadde planlagt å sy "Home sweet home" i sola, men har starta i "ovnskroken".
Kos deg med hage-stichery :0D


OH MY snow--I sure hope it stops snowing over there soon for you all!! Love the table runner!!
Hugs, Di

Anne-Lise at Rag, Tag, Bobtail said...

Hei! Kom over fjellet - her har vi endelig sol og vårvær! Men bildet med løperen ble stilig!

quiltingnana said...

wow...we've been having some 80-90 degree weather here...about 10 degrees above normal...after a cold winter are we in for a hot summer?

Cubby House Crafts said...

What a gorgeous Photo...the contrast of the snow against your lovely runner...love it!

Kelly@ Charming Chatter said...

Oh my - it does look cold. But the photo is lovely, and your table runner is so pretty Grethe! Hope it is warming up your way!