a quiltlady

a quiltlady

Friday, 23 November 2012

Getting closer ...

all the Christmas Festivities, I mean. Santa`s  sleigh has been via my house picking up my SSCS, very secret, gift. Soon he will come a couple of times to pick up some more gifts to be sent abroad.
The  "Jim Short" cat  is fortunately pleased with the secret puzzle table-runner, that I told you about earlier. Not finished yet but soon, a close-up will follow as the last pic in this post.
Seminole table-runner as well as the star runner  ready  to be yours ! during the weekend to come. Here`s the link www.bll.no
 Big Quilting " SHOW AND TELL" at one of my guilds on Saturday and  Sunday : beautiful quilts to look at, super this and that for sale also a big raffle on both days. A georgeous big churn-dash-quilt to win, sorry no picture to give you, but come along, may be win it, if you`re lucky :-)
We have all sewn one or two Churn-Dashes. Now all bounded  to a big quilt.  
Come and visit, I`ll be there whole Sunday and would love to say hello to you !
Here`s my unfinished star, design by the Norwegian designer AnnAKa.  My last picture on this post is the secret puzzle, turning out to be such a lovely star table runner. It looks like I have done mis-
takes, but it is supposed to be a bit asymmetric in the fabric pieces.  
May be if I rush, could  be an other two finishes for this month.
Have not told you that on Monday my DH and I are preparing for a boat trip to Kiel in Germany with friends and colleagues. Then to visit a famous Christmas Market close by.
Exciting week ahead, no sewing on the boat, I do wonder if the winter waves will be as big as the boat itself ? I feel a bit worried at the moment. But hopefully telling you when I`m back how super it all as been. Hugs, Grethe.


sunny said...

Lovely Christmas-y stuff happening at your house! I hope you trip is wonderful, and safe.

Oddbjørg said...

Lykke til med arrangementet i helga!
Jeg er i nærheten :-)
God tur til Kiel!

Gudveig HN said...

Flotte juleduker! Meretes julegåte ble kjempefin ;-)
Lykke til med utstillingen i BLL, jeg rekker det trolig ikke, dessverre...

tales from a handmade home said...

Beautiful Christmas stitching.........enjoy your trip to the Christmas Market.

Terry said...

Everything looks wonderful! I can't believe how close Christmas is already! Enjoy your trip! :0)

Anonymous said...

beautiful sewing Grethe and have fun at the xmas market.xx

merete said...

Takk fro at du var med og sydde gåten. Ser at du falt for fristelsen til å få stjernespissene til å møtes midt rundt den lyse firerblokken. Av testsyer'ne fikk jeg spørsmål om det skulle være slik eller om jeg hadde feilberegnet... Vel, det var faktisk med vilje denne gangen. Jeg prøvde ut enda mindre kvadrater for å se, men det fikk ikke testsyerne delta på, og til slutt ble de enige om at de likte at de ikke var slik man kunne forvente seg for en "riktig" eight-point-star :-) Lykke til med turen på mandag, høres kjempekos ut!

Chookyblue...... said...

lots of christmas colours here......glad the SSCS is gone on the sleigh.......

Linda in Arkansas said...

All this Christmas stuff sure puts me in the mood for the holidays. Good job.

Houseelf said...

Have a lovely time in Kiel. I hope the sea is smooth for you.

What lovely Christmas decorations you are making. The red with white is beautiful and perfect for the season. I like to play with deep reds at this time of the year too.