a quiltlady

a quiltlady

Friday 7 September 2012

NO NEWS are GOOD NEWS ... :)))

I`m still here, trying to be ever so patient!
 This is part of the  "BE ATTITUDE" by Nancy Halvorsen.
The quilt has been on my wall for a looong time and being very appropriate just now. 
 Waiting for an operation on my trigger thumb, date not known yet ,but very soon;glad to say. 
Well  then, sewing will be slower than usual for some time ahead! 
In the meantime I `m planning. Like working slowly on some Christmas projects. This is the first stitchery of 5. A mystery quilt to be, pattern by the Norwegian designer AnnAka and pattern given in the Norwegian magazine "Quiltemagasinet" every month including October month.
For the 3rd year in a row I have joined Chookyblue`s SSCS; a secret Christmas swap! Having received my secret partner`s name, I have now started planning. Maybe I will use some of the fabrics you can see here OR maybe not. She does not know I`m the one she will be receiving 2 presents from. One small one and one bigger one. Great fun as I will be receiving the same from somebody unknown out there in a foreign country. By November presents will be swapped :)))
Check my sidebar for Chookyblue`s tag (soon" alive").
 Have a nice and happy weekend all my blogger friends! Not too much sewing for me the next few days, but better days will come :))  Till next time: Hugs, Grethe.  


Anonymous said...

lovely fabrics there grethe,hope your thumb is better soon.xx

Terry said...

I hope you have your surgery quickly so you can get back to sewing soon! I'm doing Chookyblue's swap again too! :0)

Houseelf said...

I hope the time passes quickly until your op. The elf and mushroom project is gorgeous!

Have a wonderful SSCS creation time.

Yvette said...

I hope your operation will be soon so you can heal quickly and get back to doing what you love most!

Laila said...

Hei. Håper du får fiks tommelen kjapt og at det blir bra enda kjappere. Jeg syr også AnnAkas nisser...kjempe søte. Så gøy at du er med på Donnas SSCS i år også:-) det blir jo nesten ikke jul uten den. Ha en riktig god helg. Klem.

Siri Tullerusk said...

Lykke til med operasjonen, jeg vet hvor kjedelig det er å vente på slikt. Nå har jeg også meldt meg på SSCS,, da er jeg med på to "swaps" for aller første gang. Spennende!

Fiona said...

You are working some lovely projects with beautiful fabrics... hope the thumb operation comes along soon

sunny said...

I hope you're all fixed up and sewing again soon. I really like your little quilt. And your partner will be very lucky to get gifts made my Grethe.

Margaret said...

Like the shapes on the Norwegian quilt , round lumpy and happy. Trigger finger come back as good as new, that's and order, hope all goes well.


I hate waiting too for things--like my brother and his wife are coming for a visit--but they have not called to say when they will be in town--thought they would be here by now???? Oh well--like you we can plan and prepare things and work some!!
hope you get your 'date' soon so you are back to full working time!!
Hugs, Di and miss gracie

Oddbjørg said...

Lykke til med operasjonen! Du får legge mange planer mens du venter.
Nissestitcheriet blir flott!
He ei fin helg!

Ulla said...

Good luck for the operation. The be patient block is very nice and good advice for you: give your finger time to heal!

Chookyblue...... said...

welcome to the SSCS once again.........hope you can stitch again soon.......

Traffic Pulse India said...
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Jindi's Cottage said...

Hope your thumb gets fixed soon so you can get back to your stitching...those AnnaK stitchery designs are so cute...have fun with your SSCS project...