a quiltlady

a quiltlady

Friday 28 May 2010

Garden and Cupcakes, big plans for the weekend.

This small kit arrived yesterday,so you see what I will be doing in the weekend. That`s to say,this weekend includes the annual ESC (European Song Contest). Norway won last year,so we are hosting this year.Great fun for some,more boring for others!
I combine the two: sewing and watching :) I am starting on the cupcakes very soon,may be one day I`ll make pincushions as well. I have seen some great ones on a blog.
And my pictures seem to choose their own place here on my blog,sorry!!! Cant`be helped at the moment.

More to show you from the garden: my wild strawberries seem to be doing fine,so does the bleeding heart as well as the small daisies that pop up in the grass every year.
The sun makes wonders. My flowers here and there are enjoying the warm sun,although the temperature is almost down to 0 every night. But as you see some colours is actually here already.Lookin forward to the summer season:-)


Margaret said...

Grethe my granson used to pick those white daisies for me and I sat them in an eggcup on the kitchen window , memories. The material for the cupcakes is so pretty, I couldn't think of another word when I looked at them. Thanks for stopping by it is always a pleasure to read comments.

Laila said...

Hi. My garden are filled with Dandelions.;-)But the Lilac are soon to be shown.Early summer here in Trysil.
I love your Cup cake kit... Wish it had been mine ;-)

Terry said...

Your flowers are lovely! My bleeding hearts are done already here. What sweet little daisies! :0)