a quiltlady

a quiltlady

Sunday 24 January 2010

"Back to the Future" - almost!

Hi there blog-friends-to be!

Here you see my very first quilt. It was winter in 1995,
when 2 friends at an Arts and Craft shop persuaded me
to join them at this course. It was held in Oslo,
Norway by an American quilt-expert KITTY SORGEN.

Little did I know then,that quilting would be a lifetime
hobby. This quilt,called "Happy little Accident" (or Jacob`s Ladder
to the Stars) is still in use,looking just as nice. It took me a
very long time to finish it. My DD got it as a present. Unfortunatly
I forgot 2 pins inside it. Her husband screamed so loud on day,bleeding
and swearing. I had it for an inspection and found 4 altogether!!

I did not know anything about quilting at that time 15 years ago,
but it got me started. Kitty visited Oslo lots of times,helding different
courses which I attended with big enthusiasm.

Anyway not to linger, this was my start. So now, after 15 years I have lots of finished things, small and big. AND for course all these lovely Ufos just lying
there,dying to be done. OPAM is the thing -smile-smile! I am into stitching these
days. Just now I am working on is Lynette`s Noah`s Ark,among many more things I
have started on.

More to you lot! later ........ Grethe in Oslo, +22 inside and -6 outside.

1 comment:

Sølvis blog said...

Wow - da har vi holdt på nesten like lenge. Og jeg var også på en kurshelg med Kitty og hennes venner på den tiden, men gikk ikke hos henne.